How You Can Help

It will take all of us to effect long lasting change and make a Healthy Berkeley. Here are some ways you and your business or organization can help out!

Photo by Jennifer_Sharp/iStock / Getty Images

Make It Easy

Make choosing water an easy option. Having an event? Have coolers with ice water available. Take it a step further by offering reusable cups or water bottles with your logo!

Fresh Fruits

Restaurant Ideas

Create a water bar for kids (and adults). Allow them to choose from various in-season fruits and veggies to flavor their water.

Don't forget to download the kid's activity sheet and hand it out with crayons to keep the kids busy while they wait for their food.


Share Knowledge

Feel free to use the Infographics and logos from Healthy Berkeley on your website as a way to keep your customers in the know.

Have an idea you think others would find useful? Let us know and we'll share it on our website.